Sunday, January 4, 2009


I have been trying to understand what understanding is all about. To understand the same it would be best to understand ourselves better.When we expect others to understand us, do we really realise that its very little that we understand about our own self. I have always had not so happy encounters with understandings with many a situation turning into misunderstandings. Thats when I satrted to think, is misunderstanding "miss being understood". This potentially hazardous situation arises when there is a clash of individual understandings with each missing out on others' understandings. The price of not being understood can even cost you damage to existing relationships. Understanding this and not providing fodder for any misunderstandings would definitely provide one with a better understanding of the Mystery , Not Understood called Life.

1 comment:

whoami said...

And I didnt quite understand what you are trying to convey!!!